
标题: 高价线材的骗局 -- 美国人通过科学试验告诉我们 [打印本页]

作者: rueicyrl    时间: 2016-3-28 11:22
标题: 高价线材的骗局 -- 美国人通过科学试验告诉我们



          所以不管你问 “电源线需要煲么?”, “电源线需要换么?”,  “电源线需要6N无氧铜么?”

            答案都是:  “需要!!!” x 1000

            当然,  如果你问 IBM,  APPLE,  Lenovo,  他们都会回答: “不需要。” x 1


            大湿们就会跳起来,  反复地通过文学描写来强调  “需要!!!”









你和他说数据, 他和你说听感;
你和他说听感, 他和你说单晶;
你和他说单晶, 他和你说物理;
你和他说物理, 他和你说英文;
你和他说英文, 他和你说信仰;
你和他说信仰, 他和你说医学;
你和他说医学, 他和你说文学:
你和他说文学, 他和你说国情.

所以从论坛上面这些现象可以看出,  吹嘘一下线材的作用连诈骗都还算不上,  

还能把铜卖出银子甚至黄金的价钱,  百分之三百的利润,还不用冒被绞死的危险。


所以,  线材大湿本质上和制售地沟油, 制售毒奶粉的人出发点是一样的:




都 too simple,啊,sometimes naive!

      你有信心和决心捍卫科学的尊严么?  就象制售地沟油, 制售毒奶粉的人那样有死的决心和勇气去对抗谋财害命么?

        大湿们对财的渴望可以让它们罔顾一切科学原理,  你做得到么?

        大湿们对财的渴望可以让它们弹指间撸出新理论新发现,  你做得到么?

        大湿们对财的渴望可以让它们指鹿为马混淆黑白,  你做得到么?

邓小平同志教导我们:  “我们最失败的是教育”.


作者: jjgw710    时间: 2016-3-28 11:22

线材  差不多就行了  不要弄铁的 太细就好了   那种发骚的  俺是没感觉 太贵了

作者: t6vjk69o    时间: 2016-3-28 11:22


作者: ciki9fb1    时间: 2016-3-28 11:22


作者: 1bj2nc18    时间: 2016-3-28 11:22


作者: 51f5qi9    时间: 2016-3-28 11:22

至于售价,那根本就是杀猪,君不见那些什么CD机 避震脚钉(就一垫下面的东西)能卖到几百块么

作者: i3onf8x    时间: 2016-3-28 11:22

     转贴注: 中文翻译的某些名词有错误。

Control 在统计学里面翻译成对照而不是控制。

terminal  在该文中应该翻译成接头而不是终端, 当然终端也没有原则上的错误。



by Roger Russell

last update 1/28/2012


"Speaker Cables: Can you Hear the Difference?", Greenhill, Larry, Stereo Review, Aug 83, pg 46-51.

"Are those Ears Really Golden? (Or only Iron Pyrites)", Smith, Thomas H., Peterson, Michael R., and Jackson, Peter O., The Audio Amateur, 1/80, pg 34, 36, 38, &32.

"The Great Ego Crunchers: Equalized, Double Blind Testing", Shanefield, Daniel, Hi-Fidelity, Mar 80, pg 57-61.

"Audio Specifications and Human Hearing", Davis, Mark F., Stereo Review, May 82, pg 48-52.

"Can you Trust Your Ears?", Nousaine, Tom, Stereo Review, Aug 97, pg 53-55.

"The Science of Listening", Masters, Ian G., Audio Dec 97, pg 40-47.

"Ten Years of A/B/X Testing", Clark, David L., Presented at the 91st AES Convention, Oct 91, Print #3167.

"High-Resolution Subjective Testing Using a Double-Blind Comparator", Clark, David, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol30, no 5, May82, pg 330-338.

"Amplifier-Loudspeaker Interfacing", Greiner, R.A., JAES vol. 28, no. 5 May 80, pg

"Another Look at Speaker Cables", Greiner, R.A., BAS Speaker Dec 78, addendum March 79

"Cables and the Amp Speaker Interface", Greiner, R.A., Audio, Aug 89, addendum Nov 89,

"Effects of cable, Loudspeaker and Amplifier Interactions", Davis, Fred E., JAES, vol. 39, no. 6 Jun 91

"Speaker Cables: Testing for Audibility", Davis, Fred E., Audio, Jul 93

"The Amp/Speaker Interface", Meyer, E.B., Stereo Review, June 91

"Cable and Sound Delivery", Newell, P., Studio Sound, Jul 91

"Cable Bound", Olsher, D., Stereophile, Jul 88

"Getting Wired", Warren, R., Stereo Review, Jun 90

"Loudspeaker Cables", Moir, J., Hi-Fi News& Record Review, May 79

"Speaker Cables: Science or Snake Oil", Pass, Nelson, Speaker Builder, Feb 80

"Will 'Beasty' Speaker Cables Improve your Audio?", Honeycutt, R. A., Radio-Electronics, Feb 91

"The Wire and Cable Scene: Facts, Fictions and Frauds", Aczel, P. The Audio Critic, Part I- Issue 15, Spring-Winter 90-91; Part II-Issue 16, Spring-Fall 91, pg 51-57; Part III- issue 17, Winter 91-92, pg.50-52.

"Speaker Cables: Can you Hear the Difference?", Greenhill, Larry, Stereo Review, Aug 83, pg 46-51.

"Cable Conflicts: The Mystery of Getting Wired", Klein, Larry, Electronics Now, Dec 93, pg. 80& 83.

"Wired Wisdom, The Great Chicago Cable Caper", Nousaine, Tom, Sound & Vision(Canada), Sep 95, pg. 73-76.

"Speaker Cables, Measurements vs Psychoacoustic Data", Villchur, Edgar, Audio, Jul 94, pg 34-37.

"Cross Talk, Do Cables Have a Sonic Personality all their Own?", Kessler, Kehn & Nousaine, Tom, Video, May 96, pg. 36-40.

"Does Wire Directionality Exist?", Lampen, Stephen, Speaker Builder, 3/98, pg 30, 31.

"String 'em Up!", Butterworth, Brent & Griffin, Al, Home Theater,

"Walking the High Wire", Butterworth, Brent, Home Theater, Nov 98, pg 94-102.

Greenhill demonstrated audible differences in speaker cables, 21 years ago. No mystery to it.

An JAES paper on measurements:

"Effects of cable, Loudspeaker and Amplifier Interactions", Davis, Fred E., JAES, vol. 39, no. 6 Jun 91,

Further info from JAES

"Amplifier-Loudspeaker Interfacing", Greiner, R.A., JAES vol. 28, no. 5 May 80,

Another DBT listening:

"Wired Wisdom, The Great Chicago Cable Caper", Nousaine, Tom, Sound & Vision(Canada), Sep 95, pg. 73-76.

More technical info:

"Beating the Bafflegab & Filtering the FooFooDust", Hayward, James, Part 1- Marshall's Audio Ideas Guide(Canada) Summer/Fall 94

"Making the Connection. Part Deux: A Closer Look at the Role of Loudspeaker Cables", Hayward, James, Winter 95. Reprints available from Kimberkable.

DBT of different cables:

"1/4" Cable Roundup", Gallagher, Mitch, Keyboard, Apr 99, pg. 44-48.

Psychoacoustics for cable:

"Speaker Cables, Measurements vs Psychoacoustic Data", Villchur, Edgar, Audio, Jul 94, pg 34-37.

More psychoacoustics of detection:

"Level Discrimination as a Function of Level for Tones from .25 to 16khz", Florentine, Mary, et al, Journal of Acoustic Society of America, 81(5) May 1987, pg 1528-1541.

"On the Relations of Intensity JND's to Loudness and Neural Noise", Zwislocki, J and Jordan H., Journal of Acoustics Society of America, 79(3), Mar 86, pg 772-780.

作者: s62lsbb    时间: 2016-3-28 11:22


作者: 7xd08cy    时间: 2016-3-28 11:22


作者: lk2yte6    时间: 2016-3-28 11:22



音响杂志1994年7月号刊登了一篇名为《音频线:测试与心理声学数据的对决》,作者是埃德加.威尔彻。心理声学数据显 示,16khz纯音的最小平均可闻声音响度差异级别为3.5分贝。他还指出:“可以预见,在一个特定水平上,可闻的差异会随着10khz以下音乐的遮罩效 应而产生巨大的提升。”(参见注1)。这个发现是基于20-24岁听力正常可听到20khz的人群(参见注2)。这也可以被称之为辨别差异最佳的年龄。

An article was published in Audio, July 1994 titled "Speaker cables: Measurements Vs Psycho-acoustic data" by Edgar Villchur. The psycho-acoustic data shows that for pure tones at 16kHz the smallest average detectable difference in level is 3.05 dB. He also indicates: "It can be predicted that at a given level the just noticeable difference will be increased by a significantly greater amount by the masking effect of musical sound below 10 kHz." (See note 1). The findings were based on individuals 20 to 24 years old that had normal hearing to 20 kHz (See note 2). This is what might be called the best of conditions for hearing differences.


(Note 1) An article was published in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society by Lipshitz and Vanderkooy titled "The Great Debate: Subjective Evaluation" Volume 29, No. 7/8 July/August. They estimated that when level differences occurred over a wide band, they were detectable down to 0.2 dB. However, in a phone conversation with Villchur, Lipshitz agreed this figure is not applicable to speaker cables where the level differences are all in the highest audio octave.

威尔彻给出了一种 Florentine, Buns and Mason的参考,”Level Discrimination As a Function of Level for Tones from 0.25 to 16kHz“美国声学协会期刊,81卷,5号,(1987年5月)
(Note 2) Villchur gives a reference of Florentine, Buns and Mason "" Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 81, No. 5 (May 1987)

(Note 1) An article was published in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society by Lipshitz and Vanderkooy titled "The Great Debate: Subjective Evaluation" Volume 29, No. 7/8 July/August. They estimated that when level differences occurred over a wide band, they were detectable down to 0.2 dB. However, in a phone conversation with Villchur, Lipshitz agreed this figure is not applicable to speaker cables where the level differences are all in the highest audio octave.

(Note 2) Villchur gives a reference of Florentine, Buns and Mason "Level Discrimination As a Function of Level for Tones from 0.25 to 16kHz" Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 81, No. 5 (May 1987)





贩卖这些产品的策略在于,某种程度上,向某些喜欢通过特别的或者高价东西炫耀自己的家伙推荐这个。拥有者虚荣万分,且相信一分价钱一分货。这令我想起了珀尔茜.比茜.雪莱的奥兹曼迪亚斯 , 但此处我们将他翻译成这样“线业盖物,强者折服” [译者注:原句为Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!译为:功业盖物,强者折服]这些线才也可以买给那些潮人,他们花这么多钱买个线材和买个劳力士一样。当然,也有走时准确的表,就似乎没有 牌子和名气,标价也没那么高罢了。


面 对现实,线材信徒们听不进去。他们更愿意沉浸在幻想的魔法世界里面,自欺欺人的认为他们可以听出线材差别,多写些评测,其实根本没有合适的控制手段,也不 懂其中涉及的问题。建立这种信仰的首要工具之一就是利用害怕和无知,害怕是因为可能现在用的线材不够好。无知是因为多数人并没有在这方面的科学知识,缺乏 测试仪器。

我们被 广告轰炸,被告之舶来品线材要比普通线材好上无数倍。那么把这些个线材用在照明上提升一下性能也是理由充分的。用广告的话来说,您可以使您的灯具重现全谱 色光辉,达到高保真自然光效,最终使您看见真实的光,使您的灯具亮的自然。还可以带给您更多温暖,更好细节以及更美光辉,解析度十足且速度一流,带宽够 大,皮肤伤害够小。可以达到零失真照明,减轻眼部疲劳,还您清晰视界和最优色彩。可以令您在视觉疲劳大大减小的同时大大增加您的工作时间。同理适用于电动 剃须刀和微波炉等等——将天价线材接到这些上面,尽情展开想象吧!

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